hanabro’s diary

メルボルンの日常生活やおもしろ経験などについてできるだけ多くの方に読んでいただけるように英語と日本語で書いています。I've written about my daily life and funny experiences in Japanese and English in order to be read by as many people as possible.

Every cloud has a silver lining ~ピンチはチャンス~











まだ友達とお別れするのには慣れませんが...(;~; )


前に授業で、Silver lining という熟語を習ったので、あなたがこの状況から恩恵は??というお題でクラスメイトと話し合いました。何もしなくても大丈夫だとわかった、手料理に挑戦できた、メイクをしなくても良かった、など色々ユニークな意見がありました。





また、オンラインでも、一緒に勉強し協力し合えたクラスメイトと、熱心に教えて下さった先生には本当に感謝しています。6月ごろからFCEというクラスはケンブリッジ検定の合格を目指すコースに入りました。クラスが始まった当初は、もうチンプンカンプンで、全ての自信を失い(今までなんの自信を持っていたのか ^^;)、毎週行われる模擬テストのスコアはボロボロでしたが、勉強していく中で、単語やフレーズが増え、少しずつでしたが理解できるようになりました。特に放課後に友達と行ったスピーキングの練習ではお互いに良かった点や改善すべき点を出し合って、自分の成長を実感できました。






Hello, what's up?It's been getting wamer recently in Melbourne.


Anyway, since second lockdown, my English class moved online and I haven't been able to make enough money to stay here because I've worked only few hours per week, so I was really worried and depressd

However,I thought

" I am lucky,right?My family and my friends are fine and I still have some shifts.Plus, I still have  many things I can do!!!!"

Then I decided to think 

"I'll be patient and I'll do what I can do now".

I can't get used to saying goodbye to my friends though.


When we learned the collocation "Silver lining",we discussed it (what's your silver lining of this situation?)

and my classmates have unique opinions such as "I realised I'm okay for being  nothing.","I could try to cook by myself." and " I didn't need to put make-up.

For me,I could not only try new things and I enjoyed something,but also I could get along with my flatmates.Although I always hang out with my friends or studied in the library before lockdown, we had to stay home due to lockdown, so we cooked dinner together,ate it , drank  somethings, danced in an ecstasy and laughed a lot!!! I'm still in Melbourne because they helped me and gave me good advice when I was really emotional and depressed.I owe a lot to them.


I also really appreciate my classmates who raised each other and my teachers who taught us enthusiastically.I joined FCE class which aims for passing Cambridge first exam  on the first of June. In the beginning, it was extremely hard and I lost my confidence ( I don't know why I had confidence before though),my weekly test was terrible.However, I learned lots of vocabulary,phrases and expressions in the class, and then I could understand gradually.Plus,we often practice speaking together and gave feedback each other so I could feel that we improved!

Although some of my classmates went back to their countries, I hope we can catch up after lockdown!!


Changing a situation and environment is not easy and takes time and we might not be able to change it, but I believe it can be good things or  bad things depending on the way of thinking.

 Thanks for reading my blog! I'm planning to write about my new challenge and how I enjoy this situation.